January 28, 2011

the gold standard.

so, the past two days i have found myself infusing really heavy black // gold pieces into my looks.  not sure why that has been the case {any theories out there??}, but here are two of the beauts!

1- black//gold embellished sweatshirt {$29, ultra studios}

2- vintage black//gold statement necklace {mae's

on a completely unrelated note, a huge thank you to erin of apartment 34 for featuring tulip louise on her site yesterday!  it was totally unexpected, yet very appreciated.  if you don't know this blog yet, you better start-a-clickin cause she's pretty amazing. 

click here to read more!:

01.27.11 screen shot of apartment 34
yours truly-



  1. LOVE black and gold together! My eye always goes to it and I catch myself in it almost everyday!

    Love the necklace from Mae's! Jess told me she thought about me when she saw it but said you already snatched it up!

    Keep it up Anna!

  2. um, hi. Can we please co-own that amazing necklace? You get this month and I get it the next? Purdy please?! xo

  3. kathleen- oopsies!! well, let me know if you want to borrow + thanks so much for reading, my dear!

    apt 34- the court has officially granted you joint custody. ;)
